09 September 2014
NOTICE is hereby given that the first Annual General Meeting of Streatham Theatre
Company will be held at 7pm on 9th September 2014 at Vinters Studios, 1b Sunnyhill Road,
London, SW16 2UG.
Note that Streatham Theatre Company is an unincorporated association, governed by a
constitution, available from our website at
All paid-up voting Members are entitled to attend and vote. Non-members may attend but
are not entitled to vote. You can join or renew prior to the meeting, either in advance or
on the evening. Please contact
The meeting will be followed by our regular Second Tuesday event which will be a
workshop and discussion about future productions.
1. Apologies
2. Receive reports from Committee members
3. Approve minor amendments to the Constitution
These are needed to simplify accounting and HMRC reporting, given STC’s
small turnover.
4. Receive and approve the financial statements for year ending 31 March 2014
5. Election of Committee*
Other committee members (at least 3)
6. Other business of the Company
* Any voting Member of the Company is eligible for nomination for election as an officer or
committee member at or before the Annual General Meeting. Nominations, with the names of
their proposer and seconder (both also to be voting Members), should be given to the
Secretary with as much notice as possible via Existing
officers and committee members can stand for re-election.
Secretary, Streatham Theatre Company
c/o Vinters, 1b Sunnyhill Road, London, SW16 2UG
& 020 3432 5710
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