Usually you don’t need to be a member to come along to one of our events (including shows), though some may be restricted to members only. While some are free, for others we may make a charge, in which case members usually benefit from free entry or concession rates for personal use.
You don’t need to be a member to audition for one of our shows (you do need to be aged 18+), but to take part you will need to join (for insurance and licensing reasons in particular). If you audition but don’t get cast, we encourage you to help behind the scenes in some capacity. There’s more about taking part in our fact sheet (PDF).
Membership costs only £10 a year and is open to anyone 18 or over, and connected to Streatham in some way. You don’t need to audition to become a member. As well as giving you access to concessionary rates and ability to take part in our shows, your subscription helps put theatre into Streatham.
To join, you can apply and pay online using a card or PayPal (see box on the left), and we will send you a membership card.
Or just come along to one of our events and pick up a form – if you pay on the spot we can usually issue you a membership card there and then. We can accept cash and (subject to connectivity) card payments.
Alternatively you can download a membership form here, then mail it to the address on the form. A stamped self-addressed envelope for the membership card would be appreciated. You can pay by bank transfer or standing order, or cheque if those are not possible. Please do not mail cash.
For membership enquiries, or our bank details for bank transfers or standing orders, please email our membership secretary