Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2021
NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Streatham Theatre Company will be held at 7.30pm on 13 July 2021, by online video conference. For joining details please register at www.streathamtheatre.org.uk/event/agm2021. The AGM will be followed by a discussion about future productions.
Our regular July event has been transformed to a special social event on 27th July, after COVID restrictions have been lifted.
Note that Streatham Theatre Company is an unincorporated association, governed by a constitution. More information is available from our website at www.streathamtheatre.org.uk.
All paid-up voting Members are entitled to attend, stand for office, and vote. Others may attend but are not entitled to vote – they may speak at the discretion of the Chairman. You can join or renew online prior to the meeting. Please contact membership@streathamtheatre.org.uk.for any membership enquiries.
- Apologies
- Receive and approve minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
- Receive reports from Committee members
- Receive and approve the financial statements for year ending 31 March
- Election of Committee*
Other committee members (at least 3)
- Other business of the Company
Secretary, Streatham Theatre Company
c/o Vinters, 1b Sunnyhill Road, London, SW16 2UG
*Nomination for election as Chairman/Secretary/Treasurer/Committee
Any paid-up voting Member of the Company is eligible for nomination for election as an officer or committee member, at or before the Annual General Meeting. Existing officers and committee members can stand for re-election. Nomination forms, with the names of their proposer and seconder (both also to be paid-up voting Members), should be sent to the Secretary with as much notice as possible prior to the election. Email from the appropriate address(es) containing the same information is acceptable.
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