God of Carnage
by Yasmina Reza, translated by Christopher Hampton, directed by Gabriel Kellett
Thurs-Sat at 7.30pm (Doors 7pm), Sat also at 3.30pm (Doors 3pm)
In present-day Paris, two sets of parents meet to discuss what steps to take after a violent confrontation between their young children. Before long the mood turns from forced politeness to outright warfare, both between and within each couple… God of Carnage is a claustrophobic comedy that gleefully reveals the repressed primal instincts lurking beneath the veneer of bourgeois good manners.
Veronique Vallon played by Sonja Palmu
Michel Vallon by Fahad Salman
Annette Reille by Sapphire Shoferpoor
Alain Reille by Cameron Krogh Stone
Goldfinch Primary School is a new venue for us, but they have good facilities and are very friendly! There are buses to Thrale Road/Mitcham Lane (4 mins walk) or train to Streatham Common (10 mins walk) – Google maps is your friend.
This amateur production of “God of Carnage” is presented by arrangement with Concord
Theatricals Ltd. on behalf of Samuel French Ltd. www.concordtheatricals.co.uk
Not suitable for children.