21 February 2017
7.30pm, Doors 7.00pm
Admission: Members FREE, others £3, at the door
About Mark
Mark is currently Associate Director of Creative Learning and
Development at the Royal Society of Arts. Before that he
was Director of Learning at Tricycle Theatre and Programme
Manager at National Theatre Learning. Mark trained as an
actor at East 15, and in devised theatre and drama group
work with the Geese Theatre Company. He developed his
specialist knowledge in physical theatre and mask work both
with Geese and at Trestle Theatre, where he was Head of
Education. Mark has directed, produced and provided
movement direction on many productions for and with
children and amateur companies.
About the Workshop
Finding ways to describe movement with precision and
specificity can greatly help the actor to be in command of
their performance. This workshop will introduce different
techniques developed from the work of Jacques Lecoq and
Rudolf Laban that offer easily accessible movement
‘vocabularies’. As a physical workshop, we’ll be moving
throughout, but it’s not strenuous. All levels of experience
welcome. Please wear considerable clothes and shoes.
*Note the change from our usual 2nd Tuesday of the month