Reading: God of Carnage by Yasmina Reza
Led by Gabriel Kellett, potential director
10 January 2023
7.30pm, Doors 7.00pm
Admission: Members FREE, others £3, at the door
We’ll be reading God of Carnage by Yasmina Reza, with a view to performing it, directed by Gabriel Kellett.
God of Carnage (originally in French Le Dieu du carnage) is a play by Yasmina Reza that was first published in 2008. It is about two sets of parents; the son of one couple has hurt the son of the other couple at a public park. The parents meet to discuss the matter in a civilized manner. However, as the evening goes on, the parents become increasingly childish and the meeting devolves into chaos. Originally written in French, the play was translated into English by translator Christopher Hampton, and has enjoyed acclaim in productions in both London and New York. [WikiPedia]
It’s not an audition, so do come along whether you might be interested in taking part in the production, or not. We want to hear how it sounds, and if and how we can produce it. If we go forward, look out for audition notices shortly after the reading.