A new look at Music Hall for the Streatham Festival
Presentation by Liz Burton and Ian Freeman
Presentation, Second Tuesday Event, Streatham Festival, Workshop
12 July 2022
7.30pm, Doors 7.00pm
Admission: FREE to all, at the door
“Old Time” music hall, “Variety”, Saturday Night TV shows, “Stand-up” – these form a line of development for popular entertainment through the ages.
At this second Tuesday event Liz Burton and Ian Freeman will be presenting an overview of music hall and its variety of “turns”, and how it morphed into variety on stage and ultimately on TV. They might even lead us in a song or two!
For this year’s Streatham Festival in October we’re planning our own take on the old time music hall – with a variety of entertainment styles from across that history.
We’d love to have your contribution …so come along to this event and join the discussion about what we should present, and even offer up your own “turn” for that festival show.
Free admission and liquid refreshments!