13 March 2018
7.30pm, Doors 7.00pm
Admission: Members FREE, others £3, at the door
About the show
Hamlet is one of Shakespeare’s best-known plays, with a powerful story and some of the most beautiful speeches and familiar sayings ever written in English. As Streatham means
‘hamlet on the street’, it’s fitting that Hamlet is STC’s first single play foray into Shakespeare’s world. We’re going to tell the story by combining some of the most famous scenes with
narration, poetry and music, as the audience follow the story in their heads and on their feet.
About the workshop
As well as giving you a chance to read Shakespeare’s words aloud (no experience necessary), we’re going to throw it open to the floor for you to inspire us with your ideas and opinions. We want to make this a show that all Streatham will want to come and see.