28 March 2014 to 29 March 2014
Nightly at 8pm (doors 7.30pm)
Admission: Members FREE, others £3, at the door
Part of the reopening of the renovated Streatham Tate Library.
This project involves local people in devising and performing a new show to celebrate the reopening of the renovated Streatham Tate Library in March 2014, marking 125 years since the Streatham Free Public Library Act 1889 which lead to the library opening in 1890.
The show is inspired by the collected reminiscences of local residents from Streatham. A volunteer research team interviewed residents and collated submissions. Our artistic team then worked with local people to devise, write and perform the show based on those reminiscences.
Our ‘blog’ at blog.streathamtheatre.org.uk tracks the project’s progress and provides a way for others to read and contribute reminiscences.
Supported by:
Streatham Action and its funders, London Borough of Lambeth, Lambeth Forum Network; The Friends of Streatham Library; Vinters Studios.
Audience Review
After what has seemed like a really long spell in hibernation Streatham is well and truly getting its mojo back. Never was that more in evidence than at Streatham Theatre Company’s wonderful production Playing with Sugar. Using the reminiscences of locals, the performance was put together to celebrate the opening of Streatham’s beautifully refurbished library and the event was both innovative and fun. The play’s clever use of a laptop to project screen shots of ‘old Streatham’ was coupled with long forgotten childhood songs – and both punctuated the entire performance. It was like going on a nostalgic journey and I wanted to laugh and cry in equal measures. The whole thing was just fabulous and riveting. Having spent my entire life in Streatham I’ve witnessed the many changes over the years. I’ve seen its ups and I’ve seen its downs and it really is delightful to be able to say that these days it is most definitely back in the ascendency. Of all the gifts that Streatham has given us, though, the delivery of a brand new theatre company, less than one year old, really is the icing on the cake. And its latest production, Playing with Sugar was sweet, absolutely sweet! Katerina Clark
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